Posted on 10/31/2024

It’s happened to all of us: we come out to our car, ready to drive, only to notice that one of the tires looks a bit flat. While it’s tempting to blame nails or potholes, sometimes the issue lies in a much smaller and often overlooked part of the tire—the tire valve stem. The tire valve stem is a vital element that allows air into your tire and keeps it there. If it's compromised, even slightly, it can lead to slow air leaks that may be hard to detect at first but can lead to more significant issues. So, how do you know if your tire stem is leaking? Signs Your Tire Valve Stem Is Leaking Not sure if the air loss is from a puncture or the stem? Here are some clear signs to look out for: Consistently Low Tire Pressure One of the first and most obvious signs of a leaking valve stem is that your tire pressure drops more quickly than normal. If you find yourself constantly having to add air to one particular tire, the valve stem coul ... read more